Saturday 24 November 2012

Scrumpy HATES the rain!

Yes, we have discovered in the last few weeks, Scrumpy hates the rain!!

He pats the door to go out, but once he sees the rain he turns back and comes back inside again.
We have had to go through the following steps to get him out in it:

1.  Pushing him out of the door - which just results in him sitting on the step and not actually doing what he's meant to do.
2. Going out with him, underneath an umbrella - which just means that he sits at your feet under the umbrella too and not doing what he's meant to do.

3.  Going out with him, without an umbrella, getting wet and having your hair go all frizzy, to show Scrumpy that the rain won't kill me (has he been watching too much TV??) seemed to do the trick!!

As you can see, he likes home comforts

Loves to sleep a lot

And loves the AGA

And the open fire!

He also likes to stretch out in one of his 5 (yes 5 - as we had 2 dogs before so we accumulated a few) beds

And he loves being picked up for a cuddle

He also likes to walk on the Trailway
Above is a view of the River Stour which runs along the Trailway - it's banks have burst in recent days

Here he is looking for his next stick to pick up

And these are my red wellies which have come in REALLY handy for dog walks in recent days

Scrumpy is coming on leaps and bounds in the last few weeks.  Things he used to do, like pulling cushions off the sofas. tea towels off the AGA and eating lumps of coal from the fire, he no longer does!
However, one thing he is still doing is having a wee and a poo in his room overnight.
I suppose that he's still young at 15 weeks and he will grow out of it, although we do feel that he's protesting at being put in his room, rather than being allowed to sleep in our room!!
Could there be some truth in that?

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